
  • Healing Dark Spots On The Face During The Summertime

    Some skin types tend to develop dark spots easily, especially after an acne breakout or due to cuts on the face, caused by trauma or rough facial scrubs. If you have a face that has developed dark marks, getting rid of them for a completely even skin tone is likely your goal. One of the biggest enemies for this goal is the sun. When your skin tans, the dark spots often get darker as well.
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  • Mole Removal Recovery Tips

    Procedures that involve removing moles tend to be minimally invasive and have a pretty simple recovery. However, with any kind of procedure, it is important that you follow the aftercare instructions that your physician provides you to ensure that you heal properly. If you are visiting a dermatologist to have a mole removed, here are a few tips that will help you recover effectively. Keep the Site Clean To prevent an infection from occurring, your dermatologist will recommend that you keep the removal site clean.
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  • Reasons To See A Dermatologist

    In a lot of cases, things going on with your skin can be taken care of at home. If you have a few pimples, you can ignore them and they'll be gone soon enough. If you have some normal dry skin, you can exfoliate or use lotion and your skin will be back to its normal condition. However, there are a lot of other times when you may want to go to the dermatologist, either to see what's causing the issue you are dealing with or to have an issue treated that you know isn't something you can tend to without help.
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  • What Treatments Are Used For Melanoma?

    Melanoma is a type of cancer that begins in the melanocytes which are the pigment cells of the skin. This type of skin cancer occurs more commonly to those who have fair skin. It is often caused by excessive exposure to the sun or artificial UV rays in tanning beds or booths. However, melanoma can occur due to a weakened immune system as well. These are the types of treatment used for melanoma.
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  • Thick, Greasy Dandruff? It Might Be Seborrheic Dermatitis

    Dandruff is a common and harmless condition to have, but it's not the only thing that can cause clumps of skin to form on the scalp. If you've noticed that your dandruff seems to be thicker and more noticeable than other people's, it might not be dandruff at all. Here's what you need to know about this condition. What It Looks Like The condition in question, seborrheic dermatitis, shares some similarities with dandruff.
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  • Minimize Scarring After Mohs Surgery

    Mohs surgery is minimally invasive, and as a result, scarring after this procedure is typically on the milder side. However, what's important to understand is that, to some degree, you can control the degree to which you experience scarring after this surgical procedure. If you want your skin to look as healthy as it is after your procedure, learn what steps you should be prepared to take. Wound Care Depending on how large the area is from which the small segment of skin is removed, your provider might provide you with some wound care instructions.
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  • Removing Unwanted Hair Permanently with Laser Hair Removal

    One thing that many people have in common is the desire to have soft smooth skin. There are several types of hair removal products that can help achieve this. Unfortunately, many of these products are not long-lasting. Shaving, waxing, and depilatories normally keep the skin hair free from a few days up to a week. For long-lasting results, laser hair removal may be the best option. How It Is Done
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  • 5 Reasons to Invest in Laser Hair Removal Services

    Many people utilize cosmetic procedures and treatments as a way to feel more comfortable in their own skin. If you're feeling uneasy about your body hair and you're sick of shaving or waxing, you may want to consider investing in laser hair removal services. This is a popular option for both men and women and it can offer excellent results. It can change your life in so many ways. Here are some reasons to invest in laser hair removal services:
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