Chemical Peel Dos And Don'ts

Posted on: 29 August 2022

After years of buying expensive serums and moisturizers that promise amazing results, you are ready to find a better way to achieve healthy, youthful-looking skin. A chemical peel is a noninvasive procedure that can be completed in your dermatologist's office. The chemical is safe and helps remove the top layers of your skin. If you are considering a chemical peel, here are a few dos and don'ts to keep in mind.

Do Research the Different Types of Chemical Peels

There are three main types of chemical peels, and each will provide you with different results. Here are the three options that most dermatologists offer:

  • Light chemical peel. A peel that only removes the top layer of skin, this is ideal for someone who wants to treat mild acne or fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Medium peel. A medium peel removes the upper and middle layers of the skin. This is a more intense treatment for acne scars or deeper wrinkles.
  • Deep chemical peel. This deepest type of chemical peel is for considerable acne scars, very deep wrinkles, or skin discoloration.

A light chemical peel can be performed every few weeks. A deep chemical peel is more intense and can only be applied a single time to avoid skin damage.

Don't Try At-Home Chemical Peels

There are over-the-counter chemical peels available at beauty supply stores and pharmacies. Although the manufacturers stress that the at-home chemical peel is safe and effective, it should be avoided for several reasons. For example, if you do not follow the directions precisely, such as leaving the chemical peel on your skin for too long, it can cause serious skin damage.

Additionally, if the product gets into your eyes or skin, you can cause even further damage. Instead, chemical peels should only be applied by a trained professional.

Do Prepare Your Skin for the Chemical Peel

Before your appointment, your esthetician or dermatologist will provide you with a detailed list of instructions to help prepare your skin. Avoid any other dermatological treatments in the weeks prior to your chemical peel appointment, such as waxing or microdermabrasion. There are several products you should avoid in the days before the appointment, such as cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide.

Finally, stay out of the sun, and if you are outside, always wear a moisturizer that contains sunscreen. This will help prevent hyperpigmentation and irritation that can impact the results of your chemical peel.

When it comes to chemical peels, there are several simple dos and don'ts you need to keep in mind. Contact a local dermatology clinic, such as Hamzavi Dermatology, with any additional questions.


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